A Book I Would Love to Write

As much as I love to write and blog, I do not think I could write a book.  However, if I was to be able to write a book and I could write about whatever I want, I think I would choose to write a romance novel.

I want to write a romance novel, but not the cheesy kind.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a lover of romantic comedies and have an ever growing collection of Disney fairy tales, but wouldn’t it be refreshing to finally have a love story that isn’t about the damsel in distress being rescued by prince charming or a too nice and unattractive girl getting the guy at the end because of her impossibly self-sacrificial character.  What if we saw romance in the mind and eyes of the main female character?

Let’s face it; we all know that girls are not as innocent and hands-off when developing a relationship.  We think, we scheme, and then we involve all our friends to help us “play the game.” So what if we had a romance novel that went into the mind of our female character that is developing a relationship with a man of her dreams.  Wouldn’t there be comfort in knowing that the female character actually did something to successfully gain her relationship?  I think it might be encouraging to women to who read this book that this time, the romance that the characters have might actually be attainable and not some fairy tale that “only happens in movies and books.” It’s a refreshing thought, no?

1 thought on “A Book I Would Love to Write

  1. Elena T

    I think that as girls, we could write a whole SERIES of books dedicated to the topic of scheming and dreaming about developing relationships. Your post made me realize that this is really a market with under-realized potential! It really would be comforting to hear about the crazy lengths that some ladies go through when pursing the guy of their dreams! This concept reminds me of the reader question sections of teen magazines. You know, where nervous young girls send in messages asking if getting ignored by a crush could possibly mean that he likes her? The book wouldn’t just be a novel, it would be a romance, tragedy, and comedy all in one!

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