Hitting the Jackpot!

The question of what one would do if they were to hit the jackpot has always been a favorite question asked among crowds for as long as we can possibly remember.  However, no matter how many times I have been asked, I have yet to really have an answer to how I would spend the money that I earned through the jackpot. However, here are a few theories that have crossed my mind:

  1. Donate a portion to charity.
  2. Buy my parents a house each and leave aside enough to live comfortably for the rest of their lives.
  3. Quit my job and travel the world.
  4. Invest in real estate or other things that would produce a profit from the originally invested amount.
  5. Build a school system.

Although, these are all ideas that sound extravagant, I can’t help but wonder “what next”? What about after I have achieved or completed what I want to do? Will there be enough money to successfully do the things I do?  For some reason, the idea of winning the jackpot is rather an uneasy thought for me rather than exciting.  I think I would genuinely struggle to figure out the best and most efficient way to use the money won.  With that said, if I could hit the jackpot with any amount of money, I would want to use it in a way that did not affect my current life in terms of working and being who I am.  I would want to use it in ways where it would allow better comfort in the living standards of my family and myself, use it to help organizations that have potential for growth and to make a difference, and treat it as if it was not a ticket to the “high rolling” life, but remember it is just a lottery ticket that is temporary and fleeting.

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